Meet The Team

Our Team

These are the people who stand behind organising the Hack Kosice hackathon and other projects and dreamers who want to help others grow.

Juraj Mičko

Juraj Mičko


HK24 HK23

Pavol Drotár

Pavol Drotár



Ádám Urbán

Ádám Urbán



Andrea Komová

Andrea Komová

Executive Member

HK23 Lectures

Zuzana Krajňáková

Zuzana Krajňáková

Community Lead, Legal

HK24 HK25 / Venue HK23 Lectures

Adam Kovalčík

Adam Kovalčík

HK25 / Sponsors lead

Samuel Zápotocký

Samuel Zápotocký

HK24 HK25 / Hackers Lead

Martin Baroš

Martin Baroš

HK24 HK23 Lectures

Dušana Bogušová

Dušana Bogušová


Nela Ďanovská

Nela Ďanovská

HK24 HK25 / Venue HK23

Zoltán Hanesz

Zoltán Hanesz

HK25 Lectures

Soňa Juhásová

Soňa Juhásová

HK24 HK25 / Venue

Jana Kapráľová

Jana Kapráľová


Michal Masrna

Michal Masrna

HK24 HK25

Alenka Matejčeková

Alenka Matejčeková

HK24 HK25

Matej Nižník

Matej Nižník

HK24 HK25

Daniela Olejníková

Daniela Olejníková


Terka Pažinová

Terka Pažinová

HK24 HK23

Lucia Šebová

Lucia Šebová

HK24 HK25 / Sponsors

Kalista Semancová

Kalista Semancová

HK24 HK25 / Venue

Adela Slovinská

Adela Slovinská


Soňa Sviatková

Soňa Sviatková

HK24 HK23 Lectures

Matej Tarča

Matej Tarča

HK23 Lectures

Bianka Uhrínová

Bianka Uhrínová


Jakub Žoldák

Jakub Žoldák


Our former members will always stay part of the Hack Kosice family, and we are grateful for each one’s unique contribution:

Lenka Mirdová, Martin Piala, Matúš Makatura, Peter Brecher, Martin Mičko, Katarína Šamuová, Ema Mirdová, Michaela Dlugošová, Daniel Hudák, Betka Sklenáriková, Mária Medviďová, Oliver Davitko, Filip Čermák, Herbert Ostró, Viktor Nagy, Zoltán Szitás, Adam Pásztor, Samuel Vandak, Filip Fabian, Peter Onduš, Michal Pándy, Rajmund Hruška, Samuel Amrich, Mária Komová, Maroš Gonda, Tomáš Žalobín, Hugo Halász, Marko Dufala, Peter Ridilla, Martin Števko, Ronald Doboš, Martin Dunca, Zoe Kolarčíková, Janka Havranková, Michal Voronič, Lukáš Weiszer, Kateřina Chvostková, Nina Vargová, Mária Gabániová, Viliam Geffert, Dominik Matis, Matej Kozub, Richard Gerboc

Who we are

We are a group of young and active Slovak students, highly passionate about inventing and exploring new ideas, innovating and improving current ones, and by doing this trying to better and enrich the world around us.

Our mission is to educate and empower students in the field of IT and Tech, but also everyone who believes in changing the world positively through innovation.

Hack Kosice has a long-term support from Major League Hacking, the world-wide official hackathon league.

Organisers of Hack Kosice 2019

Why Kosice

The ‘capital of the East’ is currently one of the most active and vivid centres of technological progress in the region of Central and East Europe.

With a high concentration of computer science students from local universities and a number of important tech-related companies, the city opens up to a number of possibilities for the effective organisation of a high-quality hackathon.

How it all started

It all started as a crazy idea of a few crazy guys from Košice, after they began university studies in the UK. The Hack Kosice project was officially born on 4 Apr 2018 at a fishing trip 🙂

So, why a hackathon in Kosice?

  • We always aspired to give something back to our ‘home’ community - before, we gave talks at some high schools about international opportunities and helped younger students with their applications to study abroad
  • We are students of mainly Computer Science, but also Engineering, Design, Business and Social Sciences.
  • We attended a few hackathons and were inspired by everyone’s passion. Hackathons changed our lives and we want to continue with positively changing lives of others.
  • MLH was a perfect way to bring something new, yet well-tested, popular in the western parts of the world, to Košice
  • Košice is our home city and Slovakia is our motherland, and there weren’t any great hackathons there

Hence, Hack Kosice was born. Welcome to the family!