Bronze Package

Welcome on board!

In the name of the entire Hack Kosice organising team we would like to thank you for expressing interest in sponsoring our event. With your help, we have no doubt that Hack Kosice will be a great event, giving hackers an unforgettable experience.

Contact with Hack Kosice

All communication with sponsors is dealt with the Sponsors team of Hack Kosice. Our agent who communicated with you will be happy to answer all you questions. If you are not sure whom to contact, contact Peter Ridilla (

Action lists

In order to make this hackathon happen we will need you to send us pieces of information or take some actions. From time to time we will send you a list of actions to be taken by you and we ask you to act upon those.

Action list 1 - ASAP

Below are some items we expect from you within one week of us sending the contract draft

  1. Please send us your company’s logo, preferably in a vector format (will be used by the marketing team)

  2. Send us your company’s name you want to use and a short description (5-6 sentences, will be used by the marketing team)

  3. Send us contact information to your contact person

  4. The following items are needed for the contract only, so you can include them in the draft you send back and do not have to send them separately

    • Send us your company’s seat (location of the headquarters)
    • Send us your company’s identification number (IČO for Slovak companies)
Action list 2 - until 14.8.2020

We want to start working with you on these things as soon as we sign the contract with you:

  1. Decide on the number of mentors and recruiters would be available online,, give us their names, contact information, area of expertise (if mentor) and through this form:
  2. Let us know about any other requirements you have 🙂
Action list 3 - until 28.8.2020

  1. By this time, you should have created your swapcard account together with virtual stand and informed all mentors and recruiters on how to use swapcard

Logo on the website and banner

Your company’s logo will be displayed on our website before, during and some time after the hackathon. Your logo will also be shown during the online livestream. Your company may also be presented in other selected promotional materials (videos, online banners, etc.)

CVs of participants

Since the places to participate in our hackathon are limited, and we are expecting much more applications than positions available, we require our participants to submit their resumes, which will be used to review their applications. The resume information of participants will be available to you on 29.8.2020 Saturday, 7 days before the event.

Hack Kosice stream

Hack Kosice will implement all necessary technical solutions to achieve high-class online stream. On the stream, sponsoring companies may be displayed as well as workshops.

During event

Use Mentors

We offer you the opportunity to send your employees and representatives to the event. In general, there are 2 kinds of representatives, mentors and recruiters. The following list outlines their roles:

Mentors (max. 2):

  • Could be senior programmers, experts in full-stack development
  • Expected to help with technical parts of the hackathon projects
  • Being online for the teams needing advice
  • Make sure that teams are on the right path to create a presentable product
  • Give your company an opportunity to showcase the expertise of their employees
  • Have the chance to assess the skill set of hackers to provide valuable information in the recruitment process

SwapCard Experience

Swapcard enables to create virtual events with genuine experience:

  • Each mentor will be able to communicate with hackers, chat with them as well as use videocall feature